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Purchased 2.36 x 1.34 x 0.43 cm
tiny** 2025.02.03
It's smaller than I thought, so check carefully before buying!! It was perfect for me as a gift with a peak case!!! The length was about two finger joints and the width was about two fingers?!!! The printing really doesn't peel off and it's the best!!! I was worried that the lid would fly off because it's a sliding type, but the lid closes tightly, so I don't think I have to worry!!!🫶
Sliding Tin Case Purchased 2.36 x 1.34 x 0.43 cm 제작 후기 It's smaller than I thought, so check carefully before buying!! It was perfect for me as a gift with a peak case!!! The length was about two finger joints and the width was about two fingers?!!! The printing really doesn't peel off and it's the best!!! I was worried that the lid would fly off because it's a sliding type, but the lid closes tightly, so I don't think I have to worry!!!🫶- 마플 리얼 후기
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