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아이폰8+(플러스) 구매
reyn** 2020.06.03
This company has great customer service!!! They email you for everything! They make sure the design is perfection and if something is wrong, they will let you know first before processing. My custom design came out beautifully on their case. One case was shipped for the wrong phone... which was a little disappointing, but I emailed them and they responded very quickly and are even shipping me the correct case without me having to do anything extra. I will definitely order again!
아이폰8+(플러스) 투명 범퍼케이스 (블랙) 아이폰8+(플러스) 구매 제작 후기 This company has great customer service!!! They email you for everything! They make sure the design is perfection and if something is wrong, they will let you know first before processing. My custom design came out beautifully on their case. One case was shipped for the wrong phone... which was a little disappointing, but I emailed them and they responded very quickly and are even shipping me the correct case without me having to do anything extra. I will definitely order again! - 마플 리얼 후기
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